WBFI Award Nomination Form - 2024

WBFI is excited to begin this year's Member Awards Nomination open call. Whether it is an innovative birding product that attracts new hobbyists, a long-standing feed product that consumers have loved for decades, or a retail store that goes above and beyond for its local community, we want to proudly acknowledge and celebrate the achievements of our members.

All entries must be fully completed and submitted by September 16, 2024.

No extensions can be granted to ensure an appropriate time for evaluation and selection.

Fields marked with an * are required.

Please verify that you have checked the “I'm not a robot” checkbox.

Nominator Information

Nominee Information

Please highlight the positive impact the product/store has had with the wild bird feeding community, the WBFI, and/or the local community.

What sets this product or store apart from the competition?

(online links to customer reviews eligible as testimonials)

Please include any photos, videos, or other documents to showcase your store/product.

20MB max